December 12, 2006

Some 2006 highlights

June 2nd: When Nate notices two similar pictures or objects he exclaims, "The same !"

June 11th: Nate stands on the stool and declares, "Jump !" before leaping off and landing on his feet.

July 3rd: "The Docent", Nate at the reptile house at the Turtle Back Zoo scurried from window to window to explain to the visitors what was behind the glass.

July 7: Nate counts from 1 to 10

July 31: Nate discovers that a bucket makes a good helmet in a squirt gun battle.

October 11: Nate orchestrates role playing, "You be Captain Jack, and I'll be Sharkman", as we begin a game of chase.

Oct 16th: Story as told to Dad at dinner. "The jellyfish swims up out of the water - up to the moon - down under the water and pushes the shark in the eye. Nate (referring to yourself) swims out and squishes the jellyfish and pushes the shark in the teeth.

Oct 19th: Nate recites his ABC's.

Oct 22nd: Nate plays peek-a-boo with Ben, making him laugh.

Oct 25th: Nate trumps Mom & Dad and remembers the name of an obscure Thomas the Train character.

Oct 27: Nate says his full name.

Oct 29: Nate names each of the 7 dwarfs in Snow White.

Oct 31: Nate says he was "surprised" that Mom spent the day with him.

Nov 5: Nate says, "I'm sad." Dad asks why. "Because, Mom yelled at me."

Nov 19: Nate demonstrates opposites: Big - "tiny", outside - "inside", day - "night", happy - "ugly".

December 5: Nate sings Twinkle little star and mary had a little lamb from memory

Dec 16: Nate says, "I have an idea ! to line up all the tracks and let the train go around."

Dec 21: Nate's sole and persistent wish for christmas - a green diplodocus.

Dec 28: Nate has a tactful way of disagreeing. When he'd rather not follow a request, he says, "Oh forget about it Mom !"