June 30, 2009

Travlin' circus came to town

Benny, you're still so worried by the clowns !

Nate's solution...there is only so much distraction a big brother can take from the show (and his popcorn-eating)

Nate's trick worked!

And you even liked the show after that!

June 5, 2009

caught in a daydream

you daydream and I'll dream about you daydreaming

June 4, 2009

Old painting of Nate

found this in the attic

nap time ethereal

Clark Kent running

Clark KentImage via Wikipedia

Benny, its a good thing your feet are not touching the ground ...

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June 1, 2009

We will miss you "goldie"

Our beloved 1988 Volvo wagon went quietly into that dark night today. She was faithful and trustworthy and took good care of us for so many years (including the trip into NYC from Linden with Mom in labor with Ben). We will never forget you!