April 25, 2010


Nate, today you were flipping through a book of pictures by Tim Burton and decided that you wanted to draw a picture and mail it to him with the message, "I like your art". Here is your picture "Gravestealer" showing "an alien who always wanted to be famous and is stealing bones for his invention".

April 16, 2010

Ben's big day

3 first-evers today! IMAX movie (Hubble telescope), soccer practice, judo practice!

April 14, 2010

Ben's birthday party @ school

Nate reading to dogs at the Cranford library

Nate's first teeball game

Your team was the "Tides" and you played right field in your first game and even caught a ground ball and threw it to first base! Dad was your team's coach and was so proud of you as you hit the ball both times at bat from a pitch instead of the tee!