August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene: Worst storm in Cranford history

The Rahway River drops more than 100 feet in elevation from the upstream towns ... before it pours into low lying Cranford

August 15, 2011

Muxu on the edge

Muxu going down a slide with the boys' "encouragement" and getting the raspberries...she may be slowly loosing her mind living with us...

August 14, 2011

Wild West City

We had a great time at Wild West City. Nate loved the Mountain Man and was mesmerized by his stories of surviving off the land in the frontier times. He thought if he was like them that he could definitely be on an episode of Man vs Wild. Ben loved whacking the bushes with his new sword and taking the stagecoach ride. He even made gold nuggets (gold spray painted rocks) so we could give them to the outlaws that rob the stagecoach when we go next time.