November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Field goal kickers: Nate 21 yards, Ben 6 yards

Hiking through Central Park

Lincoln Center circus

once around!

cold turkeys

October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

All of the downed trees and power lines from Hurricane Sandy cancelled trick-or-treating but the Beach's and the Sdao's parties softened the blow.

September 29, 2012

Back To School Night

You both left Mom such great letters at your desk for her to find!

September 9, 2012

First ever football season

Nate, first practice, full gear
Benny looking to pile on!  flag football, Memorial Field
Nate, with trademark black forearm pads

Nate's first official Sack! vs. Scotch Plains Raiders

We are so proud of both of you!

September 6, 2012

First Day of School

Third grade at Orange Avenue School
First grade at Bloomingdale Avenue School

August 27, 2012

Horse Camp

Ben leads his faithful steed "Bucky"
Nate leads "Nickelodeon" the finest mount at Essex Equestrian Center

You guys went to baseball camp, football camp, camp invention, cub scout camp and swim lessons...but the horses were your favorite!

August 1, 2012

Our Backyard Fort

You guys helped Dad build this fort from scratch. You made the design decisions...right down to the camo paint job.

July 21, 2012

BBQ at Grandma & Grandfa's

You guys found out that you will be getting a cousin...congratulations Rich & Ying!

July 20, 2012

Your very first Rugby season

Union County Rugby Owls division (Ben) and Falcons division (Nate)

July 6, 2012

Home Run Champ - Cranford Baseball Camp

Congratulations Nate for winning the home run hitting contest in the 3rd-4th grade division! 6 bombers in a row!

July 1, 2012

Summer of Camouflage

This summer you boys wanted to wear camo every chance you got. You went to parks, camps, the supermarket...everywhere...dressed like this.

June 22, 2012

Last days of school 2011-12

Congratulations Ben on your kindergarten graduation!