August 9, 2015

The Poem Test - by Nate

During the 2014-2015 school year, I conducted an experiment throughout the school year. The experiment was about if the brain denied the bad and negative things and only noticed the good and positive things. Also, to see which gender thought realistically and the other idealistically.

I wrote 2 poems, one poem about good things, and one poem about bad things.

Here’s the one that was about the bad things:
Usually, when we’re watching the news, there’s reports about war,
Global warming and more
But, what you don’t know is that we’re chewing away
At the human race and the earth today
The surface is plagued with hunger and war
While we sit at our house and do nothing more
Even though they’re making things to help our fate
Do you think that they’re that great?
Now, here’s the poem about the good things:
Even though it might seem glum,
People are doing things to help everyone
We have developed things for people to live
And we have lessoned taking from the earth instead, we give
Sure, there have been some bad things for the human race
But, I tell you the world is a beautiful place!

I read each of those poems to each of the subjects and I asked them which was more true. The subjects told me and I wrote down their answer.

I tested 22 subjects, 8 female and 14 male. My hypothesis was that .75+ would choose the good and positive poem, or poem #2. The reason being that they would deny themselves about the bad things in the world and smother the thoughts until one was left, that being dominantly Poem 2. I didn’t know which gender thinks differently.

This chart was the females test results. It shows that the dominant poem chosen was poem #2, the good one.

The males on the other hand had almost the exact opposite numbers. Males dominantly chose Poem #1, the bad poem.

Overall, my prediction was proven wrong, but I did gain some information. Like, if you’re a male, you’ll most likely think that the world is has more bad things going on in it than good compared to a girl. Or, that boys see the world more realistically than girls, who tend to see the world more idealized.

[Nate, this is your 2nd psychology experiment. The first one is here.]

2015 Brendan Tevlin Memorial Lacrosse Festival

August 2, 2015

Summer 3-on-3 basketball tournament

Nate & pals at the 2nd Annual L Train Memorial 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. You guys won 2 games before Matt got injured. Way to go!