May 29, 2007

Emotional coaching & vocabulary building

We're working on emotional awareness & vocabulary building. Here are 50 words to cover the spectrum of how you might be feeling: Exhilarated, Excited, Elated, Happy, Contented, Peaceful, Compassion, Love, Loved, Affection, Devotion, Desire, Desired, Proud, Honored, Gratified, Grateful, Thankful, Appreciative, Interested, Absorbed, Bored, Lonely, Regret, Pity, Sad, Doleful, Glum, Guilty, Remorseful, Ashamed, Stressed, Worried, Anxious, Overtaxed, Envious, Jealous, Bitter, Irritated, Hurt, Anguish, Desolate, Disgusted, Loathing, Contempt, Miffed, Angry, Furious, Seething, Apoplectic

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