April 16, 2013

"The Hit" (a story by Nate)

Writing Prompt

            A young boy was excited for his first baseball game.  As he got up to bat, he stood there in horror.  All of the sudden, the umpire yelled, "Strike two!”

Write a story about the boy, his problem, and what he does to solve it.

“The Hit”

            Excitement was in the air, Mark proudly walked up to bat and stepped in the batters box, the pitcher winded up and – RING RING.  It was all a dream.  Mark jumped out of bed and brushed his teeth because today was Opening Day.  After inhaling his breakfast, Mark rushed upstairs to get his uniform.  After he got dressed, Mark jumped downstairs and leaped into the car and called for his mother who drove as quickly as possible to the baseball complex.  Once they got there, Mark grabbed his bag and sprinted over to the field.  Their team name was the Sharks.  Their opponent, the Kings, had a good pitcher but Mark thought he could hit anything.  They were the visitors so they batted first.  Mark could hardly contain his excitement.  When it was his turn, he stood in the batters box and swung as hard as he could “Strike one!” yelled the umpire.  Mark looked worried but not so much.  He got his bat up and swung again.  “Strike two!” yelled the umpire.  Now Mark was worried.  His hands were shaking and he picked up his trembling bat and swung one last time.  “Strike three, you’re out!” yelled the umpire.  Mark felt heart broken, he lugged his bat with is head held down and sat in the dugout.  He felt like he let his whole team down.  After the game, he rushed to his mother and told her about the incident with batting.  Mark’s problem was that he didn’t watch the ball and he swung at everything.  When he got home, he told his father about everything.  He replied “Practice makes perfect.  We will practice tomorrow”.  After school for five days they practiced baseball.  When Mark’s next game came, he got back at bat and got a hit! It was a triple and after the game his parents congratulated him and he was happy.

The End 

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