December 10, 2014

Cranford Football State Championship game

We had a great time tailgating and watching the team play. It was a close game, but Parsippany Hills won 20-13.

December 2, 2014

Snow - a poem by Nate


When snow comes falling from the unknown place
High in the sky
You look up, cheeks are red as if you're shy.
A flake of snow tickles your cheek.
The neighborhood hears your joyous shriek. 
You decide to play in the snow today.
Even though it's far away, you still fret
The month of May.

School - a poem by Nate


When you go to school
It's best to stay cool.
If your teacher gives you a test
It's easiest just to say, "west." 
When you get an A
Just say, "Yay!"
And that's how you do good in school!

Death - a poem by Nate


When you don't have shame
And you call his name
Out of hate, not out of love.
He'll appear at the windowsill as a beautiful dove.
Whatever you do, don't let him into your abode
For surely he will turn into a more vicious mode.
With a touch of his scythe, he'll whisk you away.
For a soul like you, you will not stay.
Your soul will burn as if trapped in an urn
And that's how you'll stay forever.

December 1, 2014

Dew - a poem by Nate


In the morning, dew shines back at you
like a mirror
and when 
the breeze tickles the tree's leaves
it falls in 
its own significant pattern

November 24, 2014

Ben's first basket

A rebound post-up for the Manhattan Jaspers, recreational basketball league.

November 21, 2014

Revolutionary War Poem - by Nate

Cold, they trudge on.
Their souls have died down.
On their faces is a frown
But yet, they trudge on.
They ask themselves why they've seen such horrible things
But they tell themselves, "We don't want a King."
So, they trudge on through snow and ice
Hoping they can keep their life.

November 13, 2014

5th Grade PAL football

What a great season you had Nate! Your team made it to the playoffs and you played middle linebacker for the first time. The best part was also going out to eat after the games. We are proud of you.

October 12, 2014

Ben's first PAL football game!

#92 executing drive block

#92 drive block

#92 blocks for the QB sneak

Ben's 1rst QB sack!

A tackle for Ben

August 9, 2014

Summer Sports

Kevin Boyle Basketball Camp

Swim Lessons

Driving Range

Tommy Rodriguez invitational

Greenwich Village

Pick-up chess

Ben getting schooled

W 4th Street Courts

Washington Square

August 3, 2014

Dear 12 Year Old Me (from 10 year old Nate)

Dear 12 year old me,

How's life? It's probably good. If you're reading this letter that means you got bored and you found this or Mom and Dad were actually serious. Well, I wrote this on August 3rd, 2014. In case you don't know, here are the two questions I'll be answering. The worst and best things of 2014 so far (my Dad came up with the prompt).

I think the best thing in 2014 is making the travel basketball and baseball teams. I think that is something big for me to remember in 10 years. Another good thing is doing good in school. 16/16 A's is what you got on your report card. Those are the best things in 2014.

Here are some low-lites in 2014. You lost the first game in every travel sport. That really killed you. Also, in FIFA, Italy didn't make it to the playoffs. That hurt you also.

Does Mom still work at Pfizer? Do I ever make a travel team again? Am I good in lacrosse? Is the 5th grade football coach good? I hope all those are true!



Alex loves hanging out with his older cousins...especially Ben.
Ben can mesmerize him by riding a bike around him
or drawing him a picutre.

July 27, 2014

July 11, 2014

Cranford football camp

Congratulations boys for another year at the camp! Ben, you won the longest punt award! We are so proud of both of you.

July 9, 2014

Baseball highlights

Nate stealing 3rd!

Ben you showed an interest in pitching in 1rst grade!

In 2nd grade you got to pitch your very first inning!

4th grade All-Star game

Somerset Patriots with Cranford 10U Blue squad

Post final game at Sweeties!
First Baseman
Nate, you hit 3 over-the-fence home runs this summer. Congratulations!

July 4, 2014

Fourth of July

Grandfa introduced the boys to the joy of setting off firecrackers and
bottle rockets in the backyard...amazingly no fingers were lost!

July 1, 2014


Ben starts the viola during the summer with lessons from Mr. Labelle

June 12, 2014

Letter from Ben's 2nd grade teacher.

Ben, we were stunned to receive this letter from your 2nd grade teacher. You have truly distinguished yourself as a really nice and considerate person. This is FAR more important than being a great athlete, scholar or musician. Mom and Dad are so very proud of who you are on the inside!!  Keep it up kiddo!

Ok, so by now, you know how fond I am of Ben and how lucky I feel to have been his teacher. Yet, I still feel the need to sing his praises. (Lucky for you, that is a figure of speech because my voice is so bad I don't even want to hear my own echo!) 
The other day one of my students was not packed up and we were in line ready to go. This is a student who sometimes struggles to keep up with the class in some ways. On many occasions Ben has offered to help this student and does it in the most kind, appropriate and helpful way. When Ben realized this student was not packed up and the rest of the class was, he got out of line and said, "Hey buddy, can I help you with something? Can I get your snack for you?" The boy was thankful for Ben's help and I was thankful to have students working together to make a loving and supportive community.

This morning, a girl in our class was finishing her Father's Day craft and turned to Ben and said, "Is this how it is supposed to look?" Ben turned to her and said, "Oh yeah!" with a smile on his face. A few seconds go by and Ben is looking at her craft and says, "Actually Ana, that is really, really GREAT!" She had the biggest smile on her face and felt so good about herself. I could tell Ben was happy to for filling her bucket. Once again, my heart was full and I stood in the background smiling.

I didn't stay in the background for long because I felt the need to fill Ben's bucket. I addressed the class and told them how often I see Ben being kind, helpful, courteous, generous and so on and so on. I said that a day doesn't go by that Ben doesn't lend a helping hand or make others feel good about themselves. I asked the kids in the class to raise their hands if Ben has filled their bucket recently. EVERY KID in the class had their hand up. One kid raised both hands!  It was such a good moment.

After, I asked Ben to come to the back with me and I told him how proud I was of him and how much I loved him and would miss him. He really is such a special little kid and he impresses me every single day. I wanted to let you know what an integral part he has played in making our classroom community a caring and loving place for us all!

Please let me know to what address over the summer  I can send the rest of my "fan mail" to Ben....hahaha.  :)

Lauren Oricchio

June 10, 2014

One night in Times Square

Our room at the Marriot Marquis

May 19, 2014

Mother's Day airshow McGuire AB

Refueling controller

Piloting the stratotanker

Piloting the stratotanker