August 3, 2014

Dear 12 Year Old Me (from 10 year old Nate)

Dear 12 year old me,

How's life? It's probably good. If you're reading this letter that means you got bored and you found this or Mom and Dad were actually serious. Well, I wrote this on August 3rd, 2014. In case you don't know, here are the two questions I'll be answering. The worst and best things of 2014 so far (my Dad came up with the prompt).

I think the best thing in 2014 is making the travel basketball and baseball teams. I think that is something big for me to remember in 10 years. Another good thing is doing good in school. 16/16 A's is what you got on your report card. Those are the best things in 2014.

Here are some low-lites in 2014. You lost the first game in every travel sport. That really killed you. Also, in FIFA, Italy didn't make it to the playoffs. That hurt you also.

Does Mom still work at Pfizer? Do I ever make a travel team again? Am I good in lacrosse? Is the 5th grade football coach good? I hope all those are true!


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